目前分類:模型製作 (7)

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Mirage 2000N_001.jpg

Kinetic幻象2000戰機1/48比例模型上市前,法國品牌Heller是這美麗三角翼戰機1/48比例的唯一選擇。完成Kinetic國軍版幻象2000-5型雙座機後,就接著製作收藏多年的瑰寶。這款模型組件的開箱文,可以參考連結:https://www.cybermodeler.com/hobby/kits/edu/kit_edu_1123.shtml (註:這是Eduard用同一組件加上改套出售的,Heller不含改套。)套件組裝上接縫很多,主翼連接部位的縫最大;打磨過程需要有充份耐心與時間,慢工出細活。套件中的發動機噴嘴整流片有射出不全的潰縮現象,且無外部細節,製作時唯一使用改套更換原件,改套可從以下連結購得:https://the48ers.com/mirage-2000c-b-d-n-exhaust-nozzle-opened.html (註:the48ers是製作1/48航空器比例模型改套組件的專業網站,不定期有6折或7折活動。)

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Mirage 2000N_003.jpg

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Written and translated by Henry, TML

在1980年代末期,國軍考量中共的戰術彈道飛彈已具備避開大氣層下防空火網的能力,且力士型防空飛彈屆齡、天弓飛彈系統部署期程無法有效填補空隙,極力向美方籌購「愛國者防空飛彈」,並列為美華會議軍售採購項目。美方則於1993年2月同意出售「改良型防空飛彈系統」(MADS, Modified Air Defense System),由陸軍建案購入3套愛國者二型(PAC-2 Plus)系統及200枚飛彈,於1996年開始交貨,1997年1月陸續運返。(資料來源:中華民國國防部網頁https://www.mnd.gov.tw/Publish.aspx?cnid=3257&p=71094;「Y2K國軍武裝報告書(下)」第270頁)

In late 1980s, facing the threat from People's Liberation Army's ballistic missiles capable of avoiding air defense grid in the endoatmosphere and their own shortcomings like obsolete Nike Hercules missile system and insufficient deployment of newly developed Skybow missile system, the ROC (Taiwan) armed forces pushed hard to acquire Patriot missile system from the US, and prioritized such requirement in the annual bilateral FMS meetings. The US agreed to sell MADS (Modified Air Defense System) to Taiwan in February 1993, and the ROC Army was entrusted with the acquisition to purchase 3 sets of PAC-2 (Patriot Advanced Capability -2) Plus missile system with 200 missiles. The delivery began in 1996, and from January 1997 Taiwan counterpart began to receive components of such system. (Source: https://www.mnd.gov.tw/Publish.aspx?cnid=3257&p=71094; "Military Hardware of ROC Armed Forces Land-Based Systems," ISBN 9578902298, p. 270)


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義大利的1/48龍捲風戰機很好做,這架戰機是去年底完成的,塗裝很容易,水貼也很吸睛,細節可就沒那麼重要了,這也是練兵用的材料。這是一架「阻絕打擊」(Interdiction and strike, IDS)型戰轟機,這模型提供了幾枚BL775型貌似東施的集束炸彈、偵蒐筴艙外,就只有響尾蛇作伴了。東施外觀的炸彈就先免了,先看圖吧。

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這架飛機模型是古早古早就買了放在架上發黴,手邊剛好有著做完F-16B剩下的武裝,查查我的水貼收藏也有一份Twobob's 的Too cool for school的水貼,那就拿它來練練兵吧。愛廠這架戰機模型應是從F-15D型機的模具轉用的,只加上「打擊鷹」戰機的適形油箱、 儀表,派龍,加上水貼,就開賣了。模子品質不錯,做起來也有模有樣。既然完成了,就先來看圖吧。

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這架F-15E序號為900257,隸屬於美國內華達州奈里斯空軍基地的美空軍作戰中心(USAF Warfare Center)第57聯隊第17武器中隊(Weapons Squadron),該聯隊專責美空軍的高級作戰訓練(advanced air combat training),轄有美空軍武器學校(Weapons School),是美空軍戰機飛行員的搖籃。網路資料上稱這架戰轟機是該中隊的「旗艦」(flagship),想必是中隊長座機吧?

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This is my third bulid after retirement, but the completion was long overdue because I had spent some time long ago to do part of the work. The Kinetic 1/48 ROCAF F-16A/B was said to be a difficult one for mediocre or part-time modeller, and it turned out quite true as the work unfolded. I used the decals from Tiger Wing to set up a scheme of the 401st Tactical Composite Wing for the model, and chose an air defense configuration for the model, namely with AMRAAM, AIM-9 and ALQ-184 ECM pod. Some of the decals have yet to apply for the sake of appealing myself at the moment. When it is all done, more photos will be shown. Cheers!    IMG_1794 (2).JPG 

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I bought this model long time ago, and couldn't recall the reason to make the purchase. It was made in Italy and it was odd to see that the box was printed in Japan. To build this model gave me a lot of headache.To begin with, the halves of the fuselage needed to go together vertically, and as one can image, sanding job could erase some of the panel details. I had to pick up some scribing skills, and made a quite of mistakes, which required instant glue to fix them up. I almost finished it, except for the ejection seat, which I lost during the process. Aftermarket kit is coming, anyway. 

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